PDL5 User Manual
PDL5-UM-00001 Rev 001
Hybrid Jumper
The PDL5 multimeter is supplied with a hybrid measurement jumper and a
hybrid calibrated jumper. The measurement jumper has an APC connector at
the input end. The other end on the standard measurement jumper is UPC but,
by changing measurement jumpers, this end is user-selected to be compatible
with the input connector of the DUT; for example SC/UPC or APC or LC/APC or
UPC. The calibrated jumper has an APC connector at the input end and a UPC
connector at the output end.
Remember to use the measurement jumper for measurement purposes only
and to use the calibrated jumper for calibration verification purposes only. The
calibrated jumper has a label attached to it identifying it as such.
Coherence Length
Reflected light from multiple reflections can change the backreflection
measured by the PDL5 multimeter. This variation typically shows up as noise or
drift in the signal. The internal light source is designed to have low coherence
length (typically less than 10 cm). Thus, interference effects are typically seen
only between very closely spaced components such as non-contacting
Key Features
Ultra stable and accurate PDL, IL ave., Loss & Backreflection measurements
Up to 4 built-in light sources at 1310, 1490, 1550 and/or 1625 nm
Up to 2 output channels or 4 detectors
4 or 6 state Mueller Matrix methods
Resolution down to 0.001dB
≈ 1 second PDL measurements
Optical component testing
Incoming inspection
Quality assurance (QA) testing
Extreme care must be taken to avoid damaging the connector when
plugging and unplugging the launch cable. Connection must be kept
clean and should be inspected before every mating (this means both
connectors, the FC/APC on the launch cable and the FC/APC
connector on the PDL5 multimeter). Please refer to the Cleaning
Connectors section on page 36 for more information.