Use this item to controls the execution of UEFI and Legacy Video OpROM.
The optional settings: [Do not launch]; [UEFI]; [Legacy].
Other PCI devices
This item determines OpROM execution policy for devices other than Network,
Storage, or Video.
The optional settings: [Do not launch]; [UEFI]; [Legacy].
NVMe Configuration
Press [Enter] to make settings for the following sub-items:
3-8 Chipset Menu
System Agent (SA) Configuration
Press [Enter] to make settings for the following sub-items:
Memory Configuration
Use this item to see Memory Configuration Parameters.
Graphics Configuration
Press [Enter] to make settings for the following sub-items:
Primary Display
Use this item to select which IGFX/PEG Graphics device should be Primary
The optional settings: [Auto]; [IGFX]; [PEG].
Internal Graphics
Use this item to keep IGFX enabled based on the setup options.
The optional settings are: [Auto]; [Disabled]; [Enabled].
Aperture Size
Use this item to select the Aperture Size.
The optional settings are: [128MB]; [256MB]; [512MB]; [1024MB]; [2048MB].
: Above 4GB MMIO BIOS assignment is automatically enabled when
selecting 2048MB aperture. Please disable CSM Support to use this feature.
DVMT Pre-Allocated
Use this item to select DVMT 5.0 pre-allocated (fixed) graphics memory size used
by the internal graphics device.