MP3 player while the loop function enables.
The settings’ window while one of the SPDIF functions is enable.
The 4 Speakers System
This Audio Adapter provides 2 wave channels(front/rear), known as the 4 speakers system.
When games or application programs via DirectSound® 3D or A3D® interface locate the
sound sources to the listener's back, the two rear speakers will work to enhance the rear
audio positional effect, so as to complement the insufficiency of using only two front speakers
to emulate the audio effect. The following is the hardware installation and the software setups:
1. The speaker installation.
Connect the front pair speakers to the Line-out jack of the audio adapter, and then connect
rear pair speakers to Line-in/Rear jack of the audio adapter. The original Line-in can be
moved to Aux-in.
2. The positions of the speakers
Put your speakers the way the following picture suggests, so as to avail yourself to the best
audio result.
3. The mixer setup
There is a 4 speakers option in the volume control of the mixer, and when you enable this
option, it means the rear speakers are connected to Line-in/Rear jack. When Line-in/Rear
jack is connected to other external Line-in sources, please DO NOT enable this option in
order to avoid hardware conflicts. Regarding rear speaker option, you can turn on or turn off
the output of the back speakers, and adjust the volume, to have the rear/front speakers have
the same volume.
4.The demo
Execute the "Helicopter" demo within the C3D HRTF Positional Audio Demos of this audio
adapter. When the helicopter flies behind you, the rear speakers will work.
Optical Kid for SPDIF/OUT (Option for motherboard that embedded PC Health chip)
The Optical Kid includes