RING Power Up Control Disabled
MACPME Power UP Control Disabled
KB Power ON Password Enter
Power Up by Alarm Disabled
x Month Alarm NA
x Day of Month Alarm NA
x Time (hh:mm:ss) Alarm 0 : 0 : 0
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Ring Power Up Control
During Disabled, the system will ignore any incoming call from the modem. During Enabled,
the system will boot up if there’s an incoming call from the modem.
PCIPME Power Up Control
This will enable the system to wake up by PCI device Power Management function.
The settings are: Enabled and Disabled.
KB Power ON Password
This item can setting Power On Password, if you Enabled keyboard Power On function then
you can Power On system by key-in the password which you setting.
Power Up by Alarm
This function is for setting date and time for your computer to boot up. During Disabled, you
cannot use this function. During Enabled, choose the Date and Time Alarm:
Date(of month) Alarm
You can choose which month the system will boot up. Set to 0, to boot every day.
Time(hh:mm:ss) Alarm
You can choose what hour, minute and second the system will boot up.
If you have change the setting, you must let the system boot up until it goes to the
operating system, before this function will work.
3-9 PnP/PCI Configuration Setup
This section describes configuring the PCI bus system. PCI, or
nterconnect, is a system which allows I/O devices to operate at speeds nearing the speed the
CPU itself uses when communicating with its own special components. This section covers
some very technical items and it is strongly recommended that only experienced users should