Fig 8
Repeat this procedure for the other
7.2 Selecting drum abrasives
It is important to select the proper grit
of abrasives for the type of sanding
being performed to achieve maximum
sanding results.
First begin sanding with coarser grit,
then progressively work towards finer
Never jump more than one grit grade.
Grits that are too fine and worn
sanding paper can burnish the wood.
Grit 36: Stock and glue removal.
Grit 60: Surfacing and dimensioning.
Grit 80:
Surfacing, light dimensioning, most
popular grade.
Grits 100 and 120:
Surfacing and finishing.
Grits 150, 180 and 220:
Finish sanding only.
7.3 Rear Drum height setup
When using different abrasive grits on
the drums, the height of the drums
must be varied.
To achieve this, the back drum (which
should always have the finer grit) has
been designed for easy adjustment
Loosen the locking levers (O, Fig9) on
both sides of the machine.
Rotate the adjustment knob (M)
according to the scale (N).
Fig 9
NOTE: It is important that the dial
setting be identical at both ends of the
A label (Fig 10)is affixed below the
locking lever showing the proper scale
Fig 10
Tighten the locking levers (O).
7.4 Cleaning drum abrasives
Regularly clean the abrasive strips on
the drum with the supplied cleaning
This will remove the deposits and help
extend sandpaper life.
Always wear tight fitting clothes
and eye protection. Keep alert
during this operation to avoid
Operate the sanding drum with the
dust hood open.
Hold the cleaning stick (D, Fig11)
against the rotating drum and move it
along the drum surface.
It is good procedure to use a shop
brush to remove any cleaning stick
crumbs before resuming sanding
Fig 11
Abrasive life can also be increased by
reversing the trailing and starting end
of the strip.
This will provide a fresh set of cutting
edges on the abrasive.
7.5 Pressure roller adjustment
The spring tension of the pressure
rollers (R) has been factory set.
If a board refuses to pass through the
machine, or the finished surface of a
board is uneven, the spring tension of
the pressure rollers may need
Disconnect the machine from the
power source (lock mains switch in
Loosen the hex nut (T, Fig. 12)
Lower the adjusting screw (S) to
increase the roller pressure on the
Fig 12
Retighten hex nut.
Repeat adjustment on all roller ends.
Do not lower rollers too much, as
excess roller pressure will prevent the
workpiece from passing through the
7.6 Conveyor table alignment
The conveyor table has been set
parallel to the drums at the factory.
If the conveyor table should ever need
Disconnect the machine from the
power source (lock mains switch in
Loosen the chain tensioner (W, Fig