| Operation & Maintenance Instructions Peristaltic Pump | Safety advice
1.6 Safe operation
The safety instructions in this operating manual have to be observed. The owner is respon-
sible for ensuring compliance with local safety regulations.
1.7 Safety instructions for the owner/operator
Leakages (e.g. due to ruptures in the hose) of hazardous materials conveyed (e.g. abrasive,
toxic) have to be discharged in such a way so that there is no danger to people and the
environment. Statutory regulations must be observed.
Hazards through electric currents have to be eliminated (for full details refer to the VDE
(German Electrical Engineering Association) regulations, for example, and the local Electric-
ity Board, as well as chapter 1.4)
1.8 Safety instructions for inspection-, maintenance- and installation work
The owner must ensure that all inspection, maintenance and installation work is under-
taken by authorised and duly qualified personnel who have also studied this operating
Work on the pump must be done strictly when it is at a complete stop. The procedure
specified in this operating manual for shutting down the dosing pump/system must be
observed without fail.
Peristaltic pumps or systems that convey harmful media have to be decontaminated before
work starts.
After work has finished all the safety mechanisms and guards have to be directly refitted
and/or reactivated.
The instructions outlined in chapters 7 and 8, under „Installtion“ and „Start up“ must be
observed before starting up.
1.9 Unauthorised modifications and production of spare parts
Modifications and alterations are only permitted after consulting with the manufacturer.
Genuine spare parts and accessories authorised by the manufacturer ensure security.
The use of spare parts that are not genuine negates all claims for damages.
1.10 Impermissible modes of operation
All modes of operation that are not in line with those in chapter 2 „Proper Use“ are imper-
missible and consequently all claims for damages are forfeited.
1.11 Metering of chemicals
When working on batchers the accident prevention regulations applicable on-site must
be observed and the prescribed personal protective clothing must be worn This operat-
ing manual contains basic information to be adhered to during installation, operation and
maintenace. It is therefore essential that the fitter as well as the relevant qualified staff/op-