Operator’s Manual
Mount the milling unit in the manner shown in Figure 4.
To face the plate using the support for machining thick plates from the top,
perform the first pass with the milling unit in the lowest position (
, Figure 10), and
then the second pass at the indication of ‘0’ (
Before J-bevelling, prepare the plate as shown in Figure 11 using the standard
milling head. Then, replace the milling head to a special R6 or R8 milling head for
J-bevelling. During J-bevelling, the carriage must travel to the left, which will reduce
vibrations, increase life of the cutting inserts, and improve the quality of the machined
surface. When performing multiple passes, before every next pass, place the carriage
again on the right side of the plate, and increase the milling head penetration in the
workpiece. Establishing J-bevels may require several stages (Figure 11) depending on
the plate thickness. After completing every stage, lower the milling unit, mount the
support in this new position, and perform the next stage. Proceed as described until
the J-bevel is established.
Figure 11.
Sample method of J-bevelling of 20-70 mm plates
stage 2
stage 1
pass 1
pass 2