Cutting System Maintenance – Step 7
Using the supplied ring spanner and holding the locking bar through the spindle
to stop it rotating, screw the nut
. Locate the feeler gauge set and
measure the clearance between the bottom of the Cutter Blades and the screen
plate – it should be no more than 0.375mm. Preferably the clearance should
only be 0.125mm for the best performance. If necessary, disassemble and re-
move (or add) one or more brass spacer rings till this specification is met.
Cutting System Maintenance – Step 8
It is now necessary to locate the cutter blades in the correct aspect to the head
inserts. To accomplish this, loosen off the spindle nut then hand tighten only.
Slide the cutter blades into the fully retracted position (close to the spindle) and
close the head ensuring that all mating surfaces are clean. Swing the knurled
head holding nuts into position and tighten very firmly. Unscrew the four (4)
screws holding the plate covering the midbody inspection port and remove the
plate and the locking bar – this should allow you to turn the spindle by hand
(provided the Control Panel Keyswitch is set to the
Working through the head opening(s), push the cutter blades out until they snap
against the machined surfaces inside the head.
Cutting System Maintenance – Step 9
Carefully rotate the spindle
through the midbody inspection port till
the cutter blades are approximately in line with the knurled head holding nuts.
Open the head and tighten the spindle nut slightly with the ring spanner. Using
the supplied allen key, screw in the long grubscrews in the end of each of the
cutter blades until you feel them start to retract slightly – just enough to give
clearance against the head inserts. Carefully rotate the spindle to allow the lock-
ing bar to be slid into place then tighten the spindle nut
. Re-
move the locking bar, close the head, tighten the head holding nuts and check
that there is
. If necessary, repeat this a num-
ber of times till there is no metal-to-metal contact between the cutter blades and
the head inserts but with the least clearance possible – preferably less than
Cutting System Maintenance – Step 10
When you are sure that the above procedures are completed, check that the
spindle nut is
REMOVE THE LOCKING BAR and support wedge
close and secure the head, screw on the plug which covers the locking bar access
hole, screw the midbody inspection port cover back into position and proceed to
test the Cutter Grinder under power.