If you chose to purchase our integrated lower quarter panels, install them at this time
using the XJ Integrated Lower quarter panel instructions found on the product oage
on our website. The only difference being, you will need to drill the holes where they set
over the bumpers to install that hardware. Be sure to do this after the bumpers has been
correctly aligned.
Once you are happy with the look and alignment, tighten down all of the hardware. If you
have access, a one or two foot extension can be used to more easily reach the 5/8" nuts.
If your using nutstrips, install any additional skids and the unibody tie in’s at this point.
Their orientation (welded on spacer on top or bottom) will depend on what options
you have on your Jeep. With no skids or receivers the spacer will be on top. With any
additional bracketry under the frame, you may need to flip the brackets side to side and
leave the welded spacer underneath.