The AES/EBU input is self-syncing and the Ch. 1/2 input stream’s recovered
clock is the reference for the unit under all conditions. This allows for setup-and-forget
operation on all sampling rates up to and including 96kHz. The front panel control la-
beled “
” must be set to X4 for use at 176.4kHz, 192kHz and surrounding vari-
speed variants. Channels 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 may not be used without a valid AES/EBU
stream on Ch. 1/2.
Analog Outputs -
There are two analog output connectors present on the rear panel. As the unit is
factory configured, each output is galvanically separate and fully floating. Analog Out-
put #1 is closest to the fan. (See DA8-V Rear View picture)
Analog Output #1 has circuit common connections on each channel. Analog
Output #2 does not. The latter is useful in cases where a “pin 1 lift” is required across
all 8 output channels.
There is an internal option to strap the output transformer in series which will
provide an additional 6db of output level and a commensurate increase in output im-
pedance. In this case the output connectors are in parallel, each coming from the series-
connected transformer secondary. Regardless of output strapping, the presence of cir-
cuit common-per-connector is unchanged. (See below picture)
JCF Audio
J C F A u d i o
D A 8 - V