2x 500ma 5x20mm on digital section, inside unit
1x 3A, 3AG (Analog Supply) 1x 1A, 3AG (Digital Supply)
The 12AU7 output tubes are recommended to be replaced every 24 months. The
5R4 rectifier tube does quite a bit of power handling and as a result it may need to be
replaced every 18 months. The 12AX7 input tubes may outlive styrofoam.
These figures can vary wildly with usage. It would be difficult to find an opera-
tional variable that does not affect tube life.
Feature list
•Ampex 351 inspired output stage
• Simple self-clocking operation @ all frequencies
• 1 additional courtesy turn-around DB25 AES/EBU port
• ~20dB front panel calibration range control
• Sensible output stage current for good performance and long tube life
• High quality Cinemag CM-9600-T output transformer
• Uses commonly available tubes 12AX7,12AU7
• Ships with 5’ standard AES/EBU crossover cabling
• 1 Year Limited Warranty
JCF Audio
J C F A u d i o
D A 8 - V