DSC260 Preliminary Owners Manual
Revision 0.9
The second message is “Incoming dump, delete all programs?” If the Overwrite Memory Request is not accepted on the
receiving unit, this message will be ignored. The DSC260 deletes all programs from 1 up to 60 at this point, if the plug is
pulled after this message, you can’t get them back!
Delete All Request
System exclusive status
Sysex Message Starts
Manufacturer ID
00H 20H 18H
Basic Channel
0-15, or 7FH for all channels
Message Follows
Message -Delete all, dump follows
End of System Exclusive
The next message is the “system data”such as delay units, etc. Although the whole system structure is sent, only the
delay units are implanted as all the rest are the user’s choices, lock mode, midi channel etc. Bytes are sent with the low 4
bits (nybble) followed by the top nybble. So Hex 0x74 is sent as 0x04 followed by 0x07. All values that follow are hex
unless otherwise stated. Multiple byte values are sent with the highest byte first and the bytes split low nybble then high
System Dump Request
System exclusive status
Sysex Message Starts
Manufacturer ID
00H 20H 18H
Basic Channel
0-15, or 7FH for all channels
DSC260 System follows
Size of message
Number of bytes divided by 32.
Program Number
Not used in this case.
Dump Data (96 bytes)
End of System Exclusive
Programs must be sent with the highest program numbers first. The DSC260 expects the last program to be program 0
(the 'current' program). This is the data that is actually in use at the time and may not have been stored in one of the 60
programs. Reception of the Delete All message (above) puts the unit into a 'sleep mode'. Reception of program 0 is the
signal for the unit to return to normal speed. Sleep mode while a dump is coming in is to ensure that all bytes are handled
and that the flash erasing and programming can get the full time of the processor. If program 0 is not received the unit's
sleep mode will time out after about 20 seconds but during this period of the dump, the keys and display will not appear
to be working. At the end of the time-out a message is displayed. If the unit is turned off during this time no data will be
lost as data is written as each program is received.
A single program dump can be sent at any time but be aware that sending a large number of new programs in quick
succession while the unit is running at normal speed may cause midi bytes to be lost as there is not enough buffer space
for full speed midi data during the one or two seconds it takes to erase a flash page.