For all wood heaters, flue cleaning must be done regularly to avoid serious flue fires.
Frequently used heaters should be cleaned at least once a year (some sooner). The
cleaning rate, however, depends on the burning habits of the individual operating the
wood heater. For example, it is possible to clog a flue in just a few weeks if smouldering
fires are burnt and the flue is run cold.
It is recommended that flue sweeping be done by a professional chimney sweep.
Chimney sweeping is a specialist task and competent professional sweeps are available
throughout the country. When the flue is cleaned it is recommended that other parts, such
as baffles, are checked.
Flue systems should be checked at least once or twice a heating season. Flue systems may
require checking more often if the fuel or operation of the appliance is incorrect. When a
flue system becomes excessively blocked or requires frequent cleaning, advice should be
sought to investigate the installation and the operation of the heater. Flue pipes can
deteriorate very quickly with incorrect firing.