The substances contained in these products
may have negative effects on health and the
environment, so users of electrical products
and batteries also have a responsibility in
recycling these waste materials and in this
way contribute to the protection, preservati
on and improvement of the environment.
Obligation for separate disposal
Our duty as manufacturers is, among other
things, to inform you of your obligation to
separate disposal.
When disposing of products with batte
ries, remove them from the product and
dispose of them separately.
• When disposing of illuminants, they must
be disposed of separately to the recep-
Return option and
Recycling program EU
We are connected to public-law return sys
tems throughout Europe and thus offer our
customers access to a Europe-wide network
of local recycling facilities (recycling centers,
take-back points or similar).
Our products are professionally recycled
via these local facilities. This reduces the
amount of waste - to the benefit of the en
Our registration numbers:
*For registration data of other European countries
see page contact information.
A take-back by us as manufacturer according
to §19 WEEE is not to be asserted.
Information on the degree of fulfillment of
the collection and recycling requirements
It is also our duty as a manufacturer to in-
form you about the degree of fulfillment of
the collection and recycling requirements.
Since we are connected to a qualified ta
ke-back system, we can refer to the degree of
fulfillment of the recycling companies.
You can find this information on our website.
Deletion of personal data
Some of our products contain personal data.
This applies in particular to information and
telecommunications technology devices such
as computers and smartphones. In your own
interest, please note that each end user is
responsible for deleting the data on the old
devices to be disposed of!
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