Mechanical adjustment
Knee lifter posotion
To adjust:
1. Remove the top cover.
2. Open the face cover.
3. Remove the zigzag foot A.
4. Insert the knee lifter to the machine with the handle
side up as sh.
5. Turn the knee lifter to the left to raise the presser foot.
Be sure that there are clearances (clearance (upper)
and clearance (lower)) between the knee lifter lever 1
and presser bar lifter.
Be sure that the knee lifter shaft and the knee lifter
lever 1 engage smoothly without play.
* Turn the adjusting screw to the direction (A) to up
the knee lifter lever 1.
* Turn the adjusting screw to the direction (B) to down
the knee lifter lever 1.
6. Remove the zigzag foot A.
7. Close the face cover.
8. Attach the top cover.
Presser bar lifter
Knee lifter lever 1
Adjusting screw