The first schematic is for the amp. It has been modified from to allow for a switch and the charging jack. The original
schematic can be found on the
website. The second schematic is of the charger. The transistor in the charger
schematic is the BC327 or equivalent.
Step 2 – Assemble the Amp
One thing that might be a good idea is to build each amplifier with its own independent circuit (each amp has its own separate
connection to ground, positive battery supply, input, etc.) The purpose is to allow a blown amplifier chip to be removed and replaced
without disturbing the other chip.
Pay special attention to the polarity of the charging jack. The center pin should be positive, with the sleeve contact being negative. As
for the enclosure, a hole has to be drilled in one side for the enclosure for the input jack, then two holes on the opposite side for the
switch and charging jack.
If you want to add an optional clip to the back you will want to drill that hole now as well. Two holes, each 1/4" in diameter, should be
drilled on the narrow end of the enclosure near the speaker, as well as two other holes opposite each other on the sides adjacent to the
previously mentioned side. These act purely as ports for the speaker.
1. Port
2. Input jack
As for the speaker place it face down on the top of the enclosure, and a knife used to score a circle around the edge. I used a 1" spade
bit to drill out the middle of the circle then used a dremel with a sanding drum to enlarge the hole so the speaker would fit comfortably.
The speaker does not have any mounting hardware so you need to glue into place