1. Hole made for screws 1. Red dot to mark ON position of switch
Step 4 – Assemble the Charger
After following the schematic provided in step 1, hook the charger up to the battery in the amp. This may be easier to do with the battery
removed. With an ammeter in series with the positive connection of the charger and positive connection of the battery, and the negative
connection of the charger hooked directly onto the battery.
With the charger plugged in, turn the trim pot until 30ma is read on the ammeter. Do not go above 30mA. This is the maximum safe
charging current for a NiMh battery of this size. Also, make sure that the center contact of the plug is positive, with the external sleeve
being negative.
An option you might want to follow is to mount the charger in an enclosure. Since the LM317 should be heatsinked, make sure the
enclosure is large enough to