7.12 Command EI – Interlocked R, G, B & NIR Exposure
When this function enabled (interlocked), exposure time for all four channels is selected
by setting the green channel and the red, blue and NIR channels will track.
To obtain white balance, adjust red and blue channels, PER and PEB. It is thereafter
possible to adjust overall exposure time by using the command PEG. The red and blue
channels will track the green channel proportionally, thus maintaining white balance
0= OFF(independent R, G,B and NIR settings)
1= R, B and NIR channel tracking with G
Associated functions:
Commands PER, PEG, PEB and PEIR – Programmable Exposure
Applicable modes:
Shutter-Select mode only
7.13 Command GA – Master Gain Level
This function is a global gain adjustment for all channels. There are two ways to adjust
gain, one is “Master Tracking” and the other is “Individual”. Command GM selects
a required mode. The gain setting is done in the analog domain where 1LSB
equals 0.03dB.
Master Tracking
Master(G): -123 to 429(-3dB to +12dB)
G: -363 to 660 (-9dB to +18dB)
Associated functions:
Commands GAR, GAB, GAIR - Gain level red, blue, and NIR.
Note: The adjustment range is available under 7800K light. If light with a color
temperature other than 7800K is used, the adjustable range might be limited.
7.14 Commands GAR, GAB and GAIR – Gain Level Red, Blue and NIR.
In conjunction with the Command GA, this function allows the individual setting of gain for
all channels, or it can be used for fine adjustment after one push white balance is
executed. It is important to note that increasing the gain will lead to an increased noise
level and reduced S/N-Ratio. 1LSB equals 0.03dB.
Master Tracking
-231 to 231 (-6dB to +6dB)
-363 to 660 (-9dB to +18dB)
Associated function:
Command GA – Master gain level
Applicable modes:
All modes
Setting data is stored in camera memory for use at next start up
The adjustment range is available under 7800K light. If light with a color
temperature other than 7800K is used, the adjustable range might be limited.