EL-2800M-PMCL / EL-2800C-PMCL
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ROI should be set first using Height and Offset Y settings in Image Format Control.
The number shown in Acquisition Frame Rate (RAW) will correspond to the fastest frame
rate for the specified ROI.
The value can be adjusted as low as 0.125 fps (8 seconds per frame).
If ROI is changed from a smaller size to a larger size, the default frame rate of the ROI is
automatically recalculated inside the camera and changed to the slower frame rate of the
larger ROI.
7.1.2 Calculation of default frame rate
a) V Binning Off
1X2-2YE(fps) =
Height/2 + {((720-(Height/2)-1)/4}
+ 25
Line rate
1X2-1Y(fps) =
+ [{1440-(O Height)}/9] + 46
Line rate
1X-2YE(fps) = 1/
Height/2 + {((720-(Height/2)-1)/4}
+ 25
Line rate
1X-1Y(fps) =
+ [{1440-(O Height)}/15] + 46
Line rate
b) V Binning On
1X2-2YE(fps) =
(Height/4) + {((360-(Height/4)-1)/2}
+ 16
Line rate
1X2-1Y(fps) =
(Height/2)+ {(OffsetY-1)/2} + [{720-(O (Height/2))}/4.5] + 28
Line rate
1X-2YE(fps) = 1/
(Height/4)+ {((360-(Height/4)-1)/4}
+ 16
Line rate
1X-1Y(fps) =
(Height/2)+ {(OffsetY-1)/4} + [{720-(O (Height/2))}/8] + 33
Line rate
Line rate
a) V Binning Off
1X2-2YE =
1X2-1Y =
1X-2YE = 42.519us
1X-1Y = 42.519us
b) V Binning On
1X2-2YE =
1X2-1Y = 29.296us
1X-2YE = 47.259us
1X-1Y = 47.259us
7.2. Exposure control
7.2.1 Exposure Mode
Exposure Mode sets which exposure mode is to be used.
If the trigger is used, Frame Start must also be used.
When Exposure Mode is set to Timed or Trigger Width, the combination of Exposure Mode
and Frame Start can set various operations.
The following table shows the operation depending on the combination.