Important Notes:
When this mode is used, at first set the video sending flag to OFF (Acquisition end). Then set
the trigger mode to “Continuous”. Then, set the shutter mode to “Sequential Trigger” mode.
After setting those functions, set the video sending flag to ON (Acquisition start).
If the changes are done while the trigger is input, the order of the sequence might be shifted.
The trigger mode should be changed while the trigger is not input and after change the
setting, execute the sequence reset to send 0xC0f0 command.
In this mode, while the acquisition is ON, saving to user area 1 to 3 is not available.
While this mode is in operation, the shutter mode (0xA000) should not be changed.
10.5.7 Delayed Readout EPS and PWC Modes (EPS and PWC)
This mode can be used to delay the transmission of a captured image. When several cameras
are triggered simultaneously and connected to the same GigE interface, it allows the cameras
to be read out in sequence, preventing congestion.
The image data is not transmitted directly by the trigger 0 and is stored in the memory located
at the Ethernet Interface. By the falling edge of the soft trigger 1, the image data is output.
This mode can work in EPS mode and PWC mode.
CCD output
Store in the
GigE memory
Output from
Trigger 0
CCD Photodiode
CCD Transfer gate
GigE memory
Ethernet output
Trigger 1
Fig.50 Delayed Readout Mode
Example of setting
0xA040 PS Delayed Readout (0x17)
0xB060 Trigger 0 select, e.g. 0x04 OPT IN 1
0xB-064 Trigger 1 select, e.g. 0x05 OPT IN 2
For the details of Registers, please refer to the Camera Register Map which is included in the