10.3.7 Iris Video output
The lens-iris video output level at pin 4 of the 12-pin Hirose
connector is 700 mV for 100% video output level. The iris video
signal is taken after the gain circuit. However, negative
compensation is applied to the iris circuit, thus the gain setting has
no influence for controlling auto iris lenses. It is without sync.
Fig.25 Iris Video output
10.3.8 Auto-detect LVAL-sync / async accumulation
This function replaces the manual setting found in older JAI cameras. Whether accumulation is
synchronous or asynchronous in relationship to LVAL depends on the timing of the trigger input.
When a trigger is received while FVAL is high (during readout), the camera works in
LVAL-synchronous mode, preventing reset feed-through in the video signal. There is a
maximum jitter of one LVAL period from issuing a trigger to accumulation start.
When an external trigger is received during FVAL low, the camera works in LVAL-asynchronous
(no delay) mode.
This applies to both Pre-Select (PS) trigger and Pulse Width trigger (PW) modes.
10.3.9 Partial scan (Fast dump ON)
Partial scan allows higher frame rates by reading out a smaller portion of the image, reducing
vertical resolution. This is particularly useful when inspecting objects that do not fill the whole
height of the image. In order to activate this function, Fast Dump register should be ON.
Full scan
Partial Scan
Fig.27 Conceptual drawing for partial scan
The partial scan mode for AD-081GE is variable. The first line and the last line to be read out
can be set.
Ext. trigger
(1) In this period camera executes trigger at next LVAL (prevents feed-through noise)
(2) Avoid trigger at FVAL transition (+/- 1 LVAL period), as the function may randomly switch
between "next LVAL" and "immediate".
(3) In this period camera executes trigger immediately (no delay)
Fig. 26 Auto-detect LVAL sync /async accumulation
Fast-dump period
Fast-dump period
Normal scan period
100% Level
CCD Out [mV]