6.1.4 Electronic Shutter
CM-141MCL / CB-141MCL has conventional shutter functions such as preset shutter and
programmable shutter as well as a new function of fine exposure.
Preset Shutter
9 steps of preset shutter are available: OFF (1/30);
1/60,1/100,1/250,1/500,1/1,000,1/2,000, 1/4,000,1/8,000,1/10,000 sec.
Programmable Shutter
It is possible to set the shutter speed in the range of 2L to 1052L by 1L unit, in the case of
Full Frame operation. When1052L is set, it is the equivalent of “OFF (1/30)“ or33.19ms.
Fine Exposure
This function sets the exposure in 1 pixel units, enabling a much more detailed exposure
setting to be achieved. This can be done with a combination of programmable exposure
setting (PE) and fine exposure setting (FE). When programmable shutter is set at PE=2, the
fine exposure function can activate faster shutter speeds from 1/15847 to 1/85149. To set
the function, the FE command is used.
PE=2, FE=0 Shutter speed = 1/85149
PE=2, FE=2979 Shutter speed = 1/15847
Exposure time can be calculated by the following formula.
When the read out is full scanning,
Exposure time (µs) = { PE(L) x 31.551(µs) –[{2979 – FE(Pixel Clock)} x 0.01724(µs)]
When the read out is vertical binning scanning,
Exposure time (µs) = { PE(L) x 37.81(µs) –[{2979 – FE(Pixel Clock)} x 0.01724(µs)]
PE ≥ 2
FE ≤ 4095
Pulse Width Control
When this mode is selected, the exposure time is controlled by the width of the trigger pulse.
The minimum trigger pulse width is equal to 2L (63µs) and the recommended maximum is 2
Minimum Shutter Time 2L
Maximum Shutter Time
31.551 µs(1L) * 2L = 63.102 µs
31.551 µs * 1052 L≈ 33.192 ms
V Binning
37.810 µs * 2L = 75.62 µs
37.810 µs * 527 L ≈ 19.926 ms