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JCL Service Manual
- www.cantudong,com
6-4 RS-232 Replacement
1.Remove the upper housing(refer to
2. Loosen and remove the 4 fixing screws
5-1, step 1-4)
to remove the load cell support module.
3.Lift the whole load cell support
4.Loosen and remove the fixing screw on the
Module out of the scale.
RS-232 board.
5.Remove the old RS-232 board and 6. Install the wire connection(refer to 2 – 2)
install a new one.
7.Put the load cell supporter module back, cover upper housing and tighten with the fixing
screws, then put the scale pan properly.
8.Proper setting is required(i.e. Baut rate, external device and print mode);
9. Wire connection between the external devices, please refer to 3.
6-5 Keypad Replacement
1. Remove the weighing pan.
2. Put the scale upside down, loosen and remove
the 4 fixing screws.