- www.dongminhphat.com
JCL Service Manual
- www.cantudong,com
6-2 Loadcell Replacement
1.Remove the upper housing (refer 2. Loosen and remove the 4 fixing
to 5-1, step 1-4).
screws to remove the load cell support module.
3. Lift the whole load cell support
4. Disconnect the load cell wire
Module out of the scale.
from main board.
5. Loosen and remove the 2 hexagonal 6. Remove the upper support.
socket screws from the upper support.
7. Loosen and remove the 2 Hexagonal
8.Prepare and install a new load cell reversibly.
socket screws from Lower support.
9.First solder load cell wire, then install
10.Please insert the keypad.
every connector to the new board.