GD-04K -
- MNY51104
Diacritics are also not recognized.
After a programming SMS has been received the GD-04K switches off both relays (X
and Y).
7. Remote
7.1. Relay remote control using SMS instructions
Text commands for controlling (switching ON / OFF) the outputs by SMS can be
customized. Up to 30 characters can be used. Pre-defined texts are used as commands
with the following conditions:
SMS command is without password and must exactly match the predefined text.
Capital and small letters are treated equally.
GD-Link 2.0.0
software (or higher) can be set for SMS and for dialling-in
independently for each relay whether it can be controlled by anybody or only from
authorised numbers stored in the device.
Multiple SMS commands can be written in one SMS, commands are separated by a
The communicator confirms command processing by a confirmation SMS.
An unrecognized SMS can be forwarded to the service number (see Settings).
When using an SMS internet gate
an SMS can have other text added to the wanted
command. It is then necessary to mark the beginning of the command by the symbol %
and finish with %%. For example an SMS with the text:
www: %heating on%% -- SMS
sent by your GSM provider.
– is processed by the communicator to be the command:
heating on
7.2. Relay remote control by dialling in
It is possible to set telephone numbers to control output relays by dialling in. If this
authorised number calls, the relay reacts this way:
If the relay has a pre-defined limited switching time (Impulse reaction) then on dialling
in occurring it switches on for that time. If the switching time is set to zero, dialling in
switches it ON until it is dialled in again then the relay switches OFF (or it can also be
switched OFF by sending an SMS with a command meant for switching off).
GD-Link 2.0.0
software (or higher) can be set for SMS and for dialling-in
independently for each relay whether it can be controlled by anybody or only from
authorised numbers stored in the device.
Up to 100 telephone numbers can control both relays if this option is enabled.
For every telephone number you can set the maximum number of uses. When a pre-
set limit has been reached, the telephone number can not be used to control more.
Control by dialling in can only be realized by phone numbers with enabled caller ID
visibility (telephone number is not hidden).
Sending a confirmation SMS can be set to happen when the relay has been controlled
by dialling in.
GD-04K -
- MNY51104
8. SIM card and its use
A normal 2G SIM card from any provider can be used.
Before you start using the SIM card with the GSM communicator, check the SIM card’s
functionality in your cell phone by making a call (not just dialling in) and send an SMS.
Disable the PIN code requirement on the SIM card or pre-set its PIN code to 1234.
Check the GSM signal strength at the installation place.
It is not recommended to use pre-paid SIM cards
, because it increases the risk of
failure because of exhaustion of credit or expiration of credit validity.
If you do decide to use a pre-paid SIM card, the device can check the credit balance
automatically. The communicator checks (at a pre-defined frequency) the credit balance
and if the credit is lower than the preset minimum, then the current credit balance is
forwarded to the service telephone number. For correct functioning it has to be set
according to the parameters given by your GSM provider. Setting is performed by the
PC, CRD, xxxx, dd, hhh, pp
is the programming password
is the command for getting the credit balance
is the USSD command for credit balance requirement, depends on the GSM
is the period, how often the credit balance is checked (in days)
is the minimum credit balance
is the position of the credit info in the text in the GSM provider’s answer
To check for a minimum credit of 30 EUR once a week set like this:
PC, CRD, *104*#, 7, 30, 1
To check the current credit balance use the SMS command:
To erase automatic credit balance checking, program all options to 0, this way:
PC, CRD, *104*#, 0, 0, 0
: The examples mentioned here for credit balance checking might not work if the
GSM provider changes their format. Check the way to get a credit balance and in which
format the GSM provider answers to the request.
9. Factory
Can be performed remotely by the SMS instruction
, where PC is the
programming password – see table 1.
Another option is to perform it using the RESET jumper (placed next to the SIM card