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Safety instructions
Turning off power
Wear protective
No Remodeling
Turn off power before work
Be sure to turn off power to stop the pump and related devices before work.
Make sure no one turns on power by mistake while working on the pump,
otherwise it may result in a serious accident. If your working area is noisy or
dark, let other people know about the situation by displaying a notice such as
"POWER OFF (Maintenance)" near a power switch.
Wear protective clothing
Always wear protective clothing such as eye protection and protective gloves
during pipework or dismantlement of the pump.
Use strong ropes (chains) for lifting up the pump
Serious injury may result if lifting ropes (chains) break. Check lifting ropes
(chains) are strong enough before use. Observe the maximum weight.
Use eye bolts
Chain the pump via eye bolts to lift it up. Otherwise the pump may acciden-
tally fall down, resulting in serious injury.
Do not lift the pump by gripping any plastic parts (pump unit, flange or base)
The pump can drop unintentionally as a plastic part breaks, resulting in seri-
ous injury.
Do not remodel the pump
A remodelled pump will not be warranted. Also, we are not responsible for
personal injury or property damage due to modification.
When handling dangerous liquid
For handling harmful liquids as mentioned below, be sure to conduct daily
inspection and maintenance for the prevention of liquid leakage. Otherwise
personal injury, explosion or fire may result.
1. Explosive or flammable liquid
2. Corrosive or stimulus toxic liquid
3. Health hazardous liquid