ILS Strobe Lighting Systems
DOC-3400-MNL Rev23.doc
Copyright 2007-2021 ITL, LLC Page 57
C. Hardware vs. Software Configuration
As already indicated in the sections above relating to the hardware configuration switch
and factory reset switch the ITL-3400 main board can be configured both with hardware
configuration switches or remote software. The normal configuration mode and factory
default is that the board will follow the settings of the two configuration switches SW4 and
SW5. This is in fact all that is required for normal and full functionality of the ILS-
1400/2400/3400 systems.
Separate ITL communication products are designed to conveniently interface to the ITL-
3400 via a ribbon cable connected to the board’s
Communication Interface
connector P1.
For more information on those products please contact ITL’s Sales Department.