ILS Strobe Lighting Systems
DOC-3400-MNL Rev23.doc
Copyright 2007-2021 ITL, LLC Page 12
Power Conversion, IPS-3400
Both systems utilize the same power conversion unit, the IPS-3400 power supply. This
power supply stores high voltage energy in capacitors which are discharged into the flash
head’s Xenon gas discharge tube(s) (flash tube) in order to produce short brilliant flashes.
The power supply contains a step-up transformer and voltage rectifier board (ITL-3410-
0HV) which converts the incoming 115/230VAC and stores it in the unit’s capacitors. In
particular the unit has a bank of capacitors which are used to store the energy for a day
flash and a single capacitor which stores the energy used for the night burst.
A microprocessor controlled circuit board, the ITL-3400, is the brain of the power supply.
It times the exact triggering of the flash tube(s), controls the intensity of the flashes and
handles any alarming in case of component failure. This circuit board takes input from an
electric photocell (PEC) in order to switch the unit from Day to Night flashing based on the
ambient light. Subsequently the circuit board controls off-board relays in order to change
the intensity (energy) applied to the flash tube(s). For daytime operation the circuit board
will generate a trigger to the day flash tube every 1.5s. For nighttime operation the circuit
board will generate a trigger to the flash tube every 1.5s for white night operation or every
3s for red night operation.
After each flash the ITL-3400 then examines the intensity of the flash and either confirms
the successful flashing or generates an alarm otherwise.
Several smaller circuit boards are connected to the ITL-3400 main board. The ITL-3420-
SEN senses the strobe and sidelight energy while the ITL-3401-RLY contains several
dry-contact Form-C alarm relays. For further details about any of these boards please
refer to sections below or consult the table of contents or index.
The main board also conveniently connects to one of several ITL communication boards.
These boards however are separate products and are not part of any standard IPS-3400
configuration. In particular, the ITL-3430-PCS provides CDMA or GPRS wireless
communication, the ITL-3431-SAT communicates via satellite, while the ITL-3432-POT
provides a traditional dial-up connection.