Local Control Network - building controls in perfection
Installation guide
To determine the optimal amount of coils for the antenna, first the area of the desired
antenna has to be calculated. It does not make any difference if the antenna should be
round or square shaped. Now the calculated area is followed down vertically from the
curve as shown in the graphic (page 9). Under the crossing point of the curve (see
example, page 9), you can read the optimal amount of coils.
In the example (marked in blue) an antenna with an area of 2500 cm² (e.g. 50x50 cm), 10
Should the crossing point lie between two coils, the next smaller amount of coils should be
To wrap the antenna, standard fine wire with 0,75 mm² or 0,5 mm² should be used. The
connection cable to the self wrapped antenna, should be kept short!
Notes about self wrapped antennas:
Antennas over 5000 cm² need (due to performance reasons) a stronger power supply,
e.g. LCN-NH12 or similar.
After finishing the wrapping, carry out a fine matching!
The maximum range of the antenna, depends on its form. Good results are achieved
with long forms. When over 5000 cm², the range reduces.
Test range before installing!