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TTI-22 Iss.04– 11/15
Go to menu 3 Edit Configuration > 3 Sensors and select the item 1 New/Edit Calibration.
The calibration of an "overheated” sensor is marked with "Max.Temp" in the field "Cal.Time".
No temperature is displayed when this calibration is assigned to a sensor input, instead the message
"Max Temp. exceeded” is shown.
In order to use the calibration again, enter a positive number at "Cal.Time".
Before continuing your work, at least check the sensor at the triple point or freezing point of water.
The calibration parameters can only be used again if the deviation from the reference is within the
permissible range.
In most cases a new sensor calibration will be necessary, which means you are provided new
calibration parameters.
7.5.2 Assigning Calibration Parameters to a Sensor Channel
Assign a calibration to each of the two sensor channels (in menu 2 Edit Configuration > 3
Sensors > 3
Select Sensor #1 or 4 Select Sensor #2).
If you select the item "NO SENSOR Calibr." (the first line of the list on position 00) instead of a valid
sensor calibration, you receive no displays of temperature, only resistance values are displayed.
7.5.3 Assigning Calibration Parameters to a Sensor Channel via PC/RS232
If you are using an external multiplexer or several calibrations for a sensor, you can assign a stored
calibration to the desired sensor input via PC. The PC-navigated assignment is lost when the instrument is
switched off. For connecting a PC, see Chapter 8.1.
To assign a calibration to a sensor input, send the command SET SEN1 XX/SET SEN2 XX (XX = 01, ...,
In the example, calibration 01 is assigned to sensor input 1 and calibration 03 is assigned to the sensor
input 2.
PC command
TTI-22 response
SET SEN1 XX (e.g. XX = 01)
SET SEN2 XX (e.g. XX = 03)
Selecting Display Type
To set the display type, go to menu 1 Sel. Display & Start and select one of the 6 display types.
Fig. 7 - 7
Selecting the display type