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Low Temp Furnace Model ITL-M-17701 13-07/20
Figure 11: Programmer display
– Program running
1. Program status
2. Segment type
3. Program progress
4. Segment time remaining
5. Program time remaining
6. Segment progress
Instructions and details of installation are supplied with the download.
Below is the procedure to install a program for Channel1 (furnace)
To create, install and run a PROGRAM via the controller interface please follow the
instructions below:
See below for a more detailed description of each of the PROGRAM functions.
This allows the user to select one of the following:
Load. Opens the program store and allows the user to select a program to be loaded.
Store. Allows the current program to be saved to the internal program drive. This is useful if you wish to
snapshot the current program and store this under a different program name.
Delete. Allows the selected program to be deleted.
Delete All. Deletes all programs.
Copy. Cop
ies the selected program for ‘pasting’ either from the internal drive to the USB device, or vice-
versa. This is useful if you wish to transfer a program to other instruments.
Copy All. As above, for ‘Copy’, but copies all the programs in the selected directory.
If a ‘Store’, ‘Copy’ or ‘Copy All’ operation would result in there being a total of more than 100
program files in the internal drive, the operation fails and an error message is displayed.
Success. Previous operation was successful.
Failed. Previous operation failed.
Loading. The program is loading.
Copying. The program copy process is underway.
Deleting. The relevant program is being deleted.
The name of the program currently loaded.
Holdback Style
Appears only i
f ‘Holdback’ is enabled. See ‘Holdback’, below.