DOC. MIE91093 Rev. 1.34
Page 111 of 145
Next, start the Energy Meter program, select the Manual test
to feed the meter, and move the adjustment knob so that the
LED on the head front blinks as the mark is passing below the
head: the clockwise knob rotation increases the detector
sensitivity. You are now ready to perform the desired test.
For LED meters, first of all, the light can be red, but not green
or blue.
Power-on the head, and press the Disk or LED Switch to the
left. Then, mount the scanning head so that the green light
from the the head is lighting the meter’s LED; then, release
the Disk or LED Switch: the light is removed.
Next, press ON, so that the energy meter turns, and move the
adjustment knob so that the LED on the head front blinks as
the meter’s LED is blinking: the clockwise knob rotation
increases the sensitivity. You are now ready to perform the
desired test.