Program Instructions
This program is designed to calculate body fat ratio. This program is only available when
treadmill is in idle mode (powered up, but before belt movement is initiated).
1. Press BODY FAT on console. Treadmill must be in idle mode.
2. GENDER will scroll across center display. Enter GENDER using the PROGRAM UP and DOWN
buttons. Press ENTER. The display is limited in the way it can display the Male and Female.
See pictures below.
3. AGE will scroll across center display. Enter AGE using PROGRAM UP and DOWN buttons.
Press ENTER.
4. HEIGHT will scroll across center display. Enter HEIGHT using PROGRAM UP and DOWN
buttons. Press ENTER.
5. WEIGHT will scroll across center display. Enter WEIGHT using PROGRAM UP and DOWN
buttons. Press ENTER.
6. WAIT will scroll across center display.
7. At this time, User should firmly grasp the Pulse Handgrips. The BODY FAT analysis will take
approximately 10 seconds.
The calculated BODY FAT % will be displayed in the center display. If the body fat analysis fails
“----” will be displayed in the center display.
Note: Ironman Body Fat readings should be used to monitor individual body compo-
sition. These readings should be used as a guide only. Ironman Fitness recom-
mends that you consult your physician for additional Body Fat testing and informa-
Never use the Body Fat function while using the following devices: Medical elec-
tronic implants such as a pacemaker, Electronic life support systems, or portable
electronic medical devices such as an electrocardiograph.