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Home Screen
Indicates Wi-Fi connection status.
Shows battery status.
You can view books and documents saved on the device
You can view comic books saved on the device (pp. 17-22).
You can view bookmarked files from books and comic
books (pp. 17-22).
My Folder:
You can explore files saved on the device and SD card.
You can create or read memos and view files that
you clipped from books and comic books (pp. 22-24).
Wi-Fi Service – Book2:
You can purchase books
(pp. 25-26; may differ depending on device model).
- Email:
You can manage email accounts that you have
set up (pp. 26-28; may differ depending on model).
Media+ - Music:
You can listen to music (pp. 28-29).
- Voice Recording:
You can record voice or replay pre-
recorded files (pp. 29-30).
- Dictionary:
You can look up words for their meaning (pp. 30-31).
You can set up user environment for your device (pp. 31-32).
Home Screen Legend
For several models sold in markets other than Korea, some functions
may not be supported.
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