iPECS ClickCall User Guide- Issue 1.3
Special Dialing Information
Enable CO call for non-standard phone number:
Normally, highlighted numbers that do not
have an Area or Nation code, or do not include special characters are routed as internal calls.
Using the Special Dialing Rules, dialed numbers matching the defined rules are routed as
external CO calls.
Enable CO call with following prefix digits:
If the first digits in a highlighted number match
the assigned Prefix digit(s), the call is routed as an external CO call and the CO access code is
added automatically.
Enable CO call with following number length:
If the length of the highlighted number is
longer than the defined length, the call is routed as an external call and the CO access code is
added automatically.
Functions settings let you set-up preferences for the operation of iPECS ClickCall. You enable
a function by clicking the check box or radial button. The following paragraphs give you a
description of the various functions.
Auto Disappearance before Dialing
When this function is active, if you take no action for the waiting time, the iPECS ClickCall
window will disappear.
Auto Disappearance after Success Dialing
When this function is active, the iPECS ClickCall window disappears three (3) seconds after
successfully dialing the number.