3-2 WaveBook Operation Reference
WaveBook/512 and WaveBook/512H
Basic Operation
Block Diagram for WaveBook/512 and WaveBook/512H
Note 1:
Each channel has input protection and connects to J10 via its own BNC connector. Channel 1 is the only
channel that connects to the Analog Trigger Detector.
Note 2:
An optional WBK11, WBK12, or WBK13 series board can be used in place of the on-board PGA circuit.
Prior to installing an option board, jumpers on J10 and J11 must be removed to disengage the PGA circuitry.
Buffering, Amplifying, and Filtering Differential Signals
In regard to WaveBook/512 and WaveBook/512H, each of the 8 pairs of differential signals (one per BNC
connector) is buffered and then switched by the channel-selection multiplexer. The selected differential
pair is then converted to a single-ended signal by the programmable gain amplifier (PGA) and level-shifted
to locate the desired range (within the A/D converter's fixed input range). Two offset settings are available,
unipolar and bipolar. Unipolar offset is used for sampling signals that are always positive. Bipolar offset
is used for signals that may be positive or negative. For example, when set for unipolar at a gain of ×5, the
input span is 2 volts and the amplified signal is offset so that input voltages from 0 to +2 volts can be
digitized. When set for bipolar operation, the offset is adjusted so that input voltages from -1.0 to +1.0 volts
can be digitized
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