ioSafe NAS User's Guide
Based Synology on DSM 5.0
Access Files via File Station
File Station is DSM's file management tool, allowing DSM users over the Internet to access the IoSafe NAS
folders with their web browsers. By launching two or more File Stations, you can manage all your IoSafe NAS
data by dragging and dropping them between different File Stations.
File Station Appearance
Left panel:
Displays shared folders and their subfolders in the upper part, and the folders on your local
computer in the lower part.
Main section:
Displays contents of the currently selected folder.
Help button (top-right corner):
Click the
button (with a question mark) to reveal the DSM Help, where
you can get useful help about how to use File Station.
Search field:
Enter a keyword to filter through files or folders in the current folder.
Advanced Search (magnifying glass button):
Search for refined search results.
Manage File Station Options
to configure general settings, enable File Station log, mount remote folders or virtual drives,
determine who can share file links, and set speed limit to control the bandwidth usage for DSM file transfer
For more information about remote folders or virtual drives, see "Mount Remote Folders or Virtual Drives".
For more information about shared links, see "Share File Links".