[email protected] | www.ionodes.com | 450-696-1060
HTTP Configuration
Change the device’s HTTP configuration
Accept HTTPS only
Forces the HTTP server to accept only SSL connections
Authentication mode
Basic or Digest Authentication for HTTP connections
Enable the Bonjour discovery protocol and configure search domain.
RTSP Configuration
Change the device’s RTSP configuration
Authentication method
Basic or Digest Authentication for RTSP connections.
Session Timeout
Configure timeout in seconds for RTSP session. The RTSP client will need
to send a keep-alive before the timer for the session runs out. As a best practice, please
configure your RTSP client to send the keep-alive at around half of the session timeout. If
the keep-alive is sent very late and the network performance is degraded (packets are
being buffered and arriving late) the keep-alive might not make it in due time to the RTSP
server and the streaming session will be closed.
Change the global multicast settings for all outgoing multicast streams. By default, the
multicast functionality is disabled. Once the user enables it, each outgoing multicast stream will be
automatically assigned a multicast IP address and port based on the configured global range.