[email protected] | www.ionodes.com | 450-696-1060
Motion sensor calibration
Following certain operations, like a complete device reset for example, a message might appear on the
OLED that the PERCEPT 9-axis motion sensor must be recalibrated. To do so, simply hold the camera
vertically and slowly rotate it 360° and then hold it on its side and repeat the 360° movement as indicated
below. Once calibrated, the calibration message will disappear.
Using the Web Management interface
The web interface is accessed by entering the IP address of the body camera in your favorite browser.
The recommended browsers are Microsoft Edge and Google Chrome.
When entering the web interface, you will be asked for a username and password. Upon first access to
the web interface, if the password was not configured via the QR code, the user will need to choose a
new password for the administrator account. This password must be between 8 and 32 characters in
length and contain at least 3 out of 4 types of characters from the following: numeric, lowercase,
uppercase and special character (!@#$%*()+=).