IO Industries Inc.
Now suppose files #2 and #4 are deleted (see figure below). Observe that the total amount of free
space increases to 60%, however the maximum new file size is limited to 30% because the largest
contiguous block of free space is only 30%.
To use the remaining 30%, files #3 and #5 would need to be exported (if necessary) and deleted.
De-fragmentation of the file system is not supported as it is time consuming and risks loss of data.
The available recording space and (estimated) available recording time for each camera are displayed
in CoreView. These values are based on the largest chunk of contiguous free space. In the above
example, CoreView would initially display 30% free space. Suppose recording was started and
allowed to continue until the 30% was completely filled with video. Recording would stop, the file
would complete and CoreView would display 20% free space as this has become the current largest
contiguous block of free space.
8.4 Accessing Recording Files
The video stored in recording files can be viewed in CoreView or Streams 7 immediately after
recording stops.
DVR Express® Core 2 MAX – User's Manual
Figure 36: Fragmented Drive Set with Three Recordings