IO Industries Inc.
6.5 Connecting System Components
The following connections must be made in order for the system to operate properly:
1. Install Drive Shuttle
Follow the steps in section 6.2 above.
2. Connect Cameras
Camera Link cameras are not hot-pluggable!
Power off the camera or recorder before making connections.
Camera Link cables up to 7 meters long may be used for all configurations.
When the camera pixel clock frequency is 40 MHz or lower, superior-quality cables up to
10 meters long can be used.
3. Connect Power to Cameras
Check the camera manual to determine the recommended power supply.
If a camera supports PoCL (Power over Camera Link), the recorder can supply power to the
camera as long as PoCL-compatible Camera Link cables are used.
4. Connect Recorder to Control PC
Connect the recorder to an available USB 3.0 or eSATA port on the Control PC using the
appropriate cable provided with the recorder.
Options for adding additional USB 3.0 or eSATA ports to Control PCs are shown in Section
5.3 - Example System Configurations.
5. Connect Power to Recorder
Use the DVR Express Core AC power adapter or a separate DC power supply that meets the
necessary power requirements.
DVR Express® Core 2 MAX – User's Manual