INW - TempHion Instruction Manual
Appendix F: Reading the TempHion
via Direct Read
While the TempHion comes with INW’s easy to use Aqua4Plus/Aqua4Plus Lite
software, you can also use standard Modbus
RTU or SDI-12 equipment to easily take
readings, so as to tie into your existing equipment or networks.
You may need to use Aqua4Plus/Aqua4Plus Lite to make a few settings prior to directly
reading the TempHion with your equipment. For one thing, you may want to change the
units for returned values. If reading via Modbus, you may also need to set the baud rate.
(You do not need to set the baud rate for SDI-12). These are described in the following
For Modbus you must have TempHion fi rmware version 1.1 or higher. For SDI-12 you
must have version 2.0 or higher.
Setting Units for Direct Read
The TempHion has up to four data channels. The fi rst channel is always temperature.
The Temperature channel, by default, uses degrees Celsius. If you want to change
to different units, for example, degrees Fahrenheit, set these units using Aqua4Plus/
Aqua4Plus Lite.
From Aqua4Plus select Direct Read Units from the Confi gure | Advanced menu.
From Aqua4Plus Lite select Set Direct Read Units from the Sensor Confi gure
On the popup box, click the down-arrows next to Temperature, and then select
the units you want.
Click OK.
Select the units for your direct read
measurements, whether Modbus or SDI-12
The remaining channels are mV channels and can be confi gured at the factory as pH,
ISE, Redox, or ISE channels. Each of the mV channels return two direct read values.
The fi rst is always mV. The second is either pH, ppm, or Eh, depending on the channel
Once set, these units are saved on the sensor and direct readings, either via Modbus or
via SDI-12, will return values using these units. (Note: These settings do not affect the
units used on the Aqua4Plus\Aqua4Plus Lite display. Refer to the software manual for