Reading via Modbus RTU
Register Defi nitions
Read the values in the registers using function 03-Read Holding Registers.
Parameter Data
32-bit ieee fl oating point values, read-only
These registers must be read as pairs
Temperature (degrees C)
Power supply voltage (volts)
Statistical Data Values
Calibration and Conversion Constants
32-bit ieee fl oating point values, read/write
Register Mnemonic Description
40223-24 mT
Field calibration
Temperature slope
40225-26 bT
Field calibration
Temperature offset
40227-28 T_Alpha
Factory calibration
Temperature alpha
40229-30 T_Offset
Factory calibration
Temperature offset
40231-32 T_ZeroSlope Factory calibration
Temperature slope
40237-38 T_mUnits
Temperature Units
Conversion slope
40239-40 T_bUnits
Temperature Units
Conversion offset
Factory calibration values are set at the factory.
Writing to Factory Calibration registers will void calibration!!
Field calibration values can be set by user. If set, these values will be applied to
readings before values are returned.
Sensor Confi guration/Control
: This enables sensor for n seconds (Read/Write).
Each second, the statistical data registers will be update to contain
new averages, max and min. At the completion of n seconds, the
fi nal statistical values will be left in the registers, and the sensor
will be put to sleep. n = 0..10,800. If n = 0, the sensor is put to
sleep, and the statistical data values are not updated.
40401=a Set
sensor address
= a (Write Only)