power the receiver.
The three small circular indentations, equidis-
tantly spaced around the outer edge of the base that
supports the center battery contact in the receiver,
indicate that the receiver is an R21 v3 series
Computer Collar.
Fitting the Computer Collar
To wo rk pro p e rly, the correction posts on the
Computer Collar receiver must touch your pet’s
skin. Posts are ava i l able in three diffe rent sizes to
e n s u re a proper fit for eve ry pet: s h o rt , 1/2 inch ;
l o n g, 3/4 inch; and short-spaced posts. Adjust the
collar so it’s snug enough to slide one fi n ge r
b e t ween a post and your pet’s neck. The re c e ive r
should be positioned undern e ath your pet’s neck
with the posts pointing up and the top of the
re c e iver pointing fo r wa rd, t owa rd your pet’s nose.
Pe riodic adjustment of the Computer Collar may
be necessary as your pet’s coat , weight and age
ch a n ge.
Changing the Computer Collar Receiver’s
Power Cap Battery
The Power Cap battery is a replaceable 3v
lithium battery with a unique plastic screw cap. It is
very important for proper operation that the receiver
always has a good Power Cap battery installed. On
average, the battery should be changed every 3 to 4
months. But battery life can be reduced by several
variables, including lower temperatures, the number
of times a pet challenges the system
boundary, and the fit of the collar on
the pet’s neck. In cold weather, for
example, it may be necessary to
replace the battery more often. Your
Invisible Fence professional should rec-
ommend a schedule for regularly changing a
receiver’s battery. We recommend that you ask your
Dealer about a battery replacement plan.
Note: Invisible Technologies, Inc.
recommends that a customer subscribe
to a battery replacement plan where fresh
Power Cap batteries are mailed directly to them
on a regular schedule.
Your Invisible Fence professional can
determine the best schedule for you.
Wa rn i n g : The use of any bat t e ry other than a
b at t e ry authori zed by Inv i s i ble Te ch n o l ogi e s ,
I n c. can cause a re c e iver to operate errat i c a l ly. Fa i l u re
of the re c e iver due to the use of an unauthori ze d
b at t e ry, m ay result in denial of a wa rranty cl a i m .
Invisible Fence
receivers are water resistant,
they are not waterproof.
In particularly humid cli-
mates or when a dog has access to creeks, pools, etc.,
water may get trapped in the battery compartment. A
small rubber O-ring around the battery cap will mini-
mize water invasion, but if you think that the battery
compartment is getting wet, take the battery out of the
Computer Collar receiver when your dog is not we a r-
ing the collar. This will allow the battery and the com-
partment to dry.
To re m ove an old Power Cap
b at t e ry from a
Computer Collar re c e ive r, use a small, thin coin in the
slot on top of the battery and turn it counter clock-
wise. The battery will
rotate up and out
of the battery
chamber. Never
use a screwdriver to
remove or tighten the
battery because you may strip the plastic head on top
of the battery.
Note: Remember, before you put in a
new Power Cap battery, you must wait
Computer Collar
Receivers continued
Make sure that the Computer Collar is snug
enough for the posts to touch your pet’s skin.
Be sure that you
can still work
a fingertip
between the skin
and the post.