5 Safety Inspection
Safety Inspection Checklists
Initial adjustments should be made to suit the personal body structure needs and preferences of the user. Thereafter follow these maintenance
Inspect/Adjust Initially
Wheelchair rolls straight (no excessive drag or pull to one side).
Ensure all hardware is tight.
All fasteners on clothing guards are secure.
Arms are secure but easy to release and adjustment levers engage properly.
Adjustable height arms operate and lock securely.
Armrest pad sits flush against arm tube.
Seat and/or back upholstery have no rips.
Inspect adjustable angle back attaching hardware is securely tightened.
Ensure hand grips are not loose.
Sealed bearings and axle nut tension are correct.
No excessive side movement or binding when rear wheels are lifted and spun.
Quick-release axles lock properly.
Inspect handrims for signs of rough edges or peeling finish.
Inspect for broken spokes.
Twice a year, take your wheelchair to a qualified dealer for a thorough inspection and servicing. Regular cleaning will reveal
loose or worn parts and enhance the smooth operation of your wheelchair. To operate properly and safely, your
wheelchair must be cared for just like any other vehicle. Routine maintenance will extend the life and efficiency of your
wheelchair. Initially and at least every six months, follow these maintenance procedures.