Video over IP
Enable video over IP
Tick this option if your extender network structure is
point-to-point connection.
Enable video wall
Tick this option if your extender network structure is
Maximum bit rate (transmitter)
Select an appropriate bitrate according to your network
Maximum frame rate (transmitter)
Click and drag to adjust the video frame rate.
Scale output mode (receiver)
Select a preferred output mode.
Timeout for detecting video lost (receiver)
Setup the detective duration of video lost, or tick the
Turn off screen on video lost
“ to disable the detec-
USB over IP
Enable USB over IP
Tick this option if there is a USB device connected.
Operation mode
Select a preferred mode when connecting to a USB
• Auto select mode: Detect the connection mode auto-
matically by extender if there is a USB connected. This
is the same function as “Auto select USB operation
mode per casting mode” on the tab of
• Active on link: Select this option if your extender net-
work structure is point-to-point connection.
• Active per request: Select this option if your extender
network structure is multi-connection.
Compatibility mode
Mouse not responding well:
Tick this option if the
USB mouse responding is slow and queer.
K/M over IP:
Untick if the keyboard, mouse, touch
panel are not working as expected. By default, this op-
tion is enabled.
Serial over IP
Enable serial over IP
Tick if there is a RS-232 device connected.
Operation mode
Type 1/Type 2/Type 1 guest mode/Type 2 guest mode*.
By default, the option is Type 2 guest mode and re-
Baudrate setting
Set the baudrate of the mode you selected above. By
default, the system settings are as following:
Baudrate: 115200 Data bits: 8 Parity: None
Stop bits: 1
* Type 1 (Dynamically baudrate):
Communicate with different RS232 devices from host device through RS232 port (normally
the host device is a PC). Those RS232 devices may have different RS232 baudrate settings, and these baudrates can be con-
figurable. It means each RS232 device can be adjusted individually by host device.
Type 2 (Static baudrate):
Communicate with many RS232 devices from host device through RS232 port (normally the host
device is a PC). The communication between clients and host is typically one way without extra RS232 control commands.
Each RS232 device will share with same configurations from the host device.
Type 1 guest mode:
In this mode, user can send the RS232 commands from the transmitter to the receiver using a specific
software, it’s strongly recommended to operate by an advanced user.
Type 2 guest mode:
Communicate with one or many RS232 devices from host device through Ethernet network instead of
RS232 port. It’s convenient if the host device is no any RS232 port. The illustration below is an example for your reference.