Inteset Systems CIR2-01 Consumer Infrared Receiver User Manual
Connect the Cable to the CIR
Plug the white connector on the supplied cable into the matching connector on the back of
the CIR. Be sure to “click” the connector solidly into position.
Connect the CIR to your ASRock Motherboard
With the power off and your power cable disconnected, attach the 4-pin black connector to
your motherboards CIR header. This location is specified i
n the Board’s “Installation Guide”.
The cable must be installed per the illustration below (i.e. Pin 1-Black, etc.). Unlike the Intel
cable, there are only 4 pins required for this installation. The USB header above the CIR
pins is not used by the CIR cable and can be used for a USB connection.
5v Standby (Red)
CIR Input (White) 3
LED (Green)
Ground (Black)
Download the Driver
Be sure that you have the latest BIOS update for your motherboard then download the free
CIR driver from ASRock's download site. You will need the Winbond or Nuvoton CIR driver
for your motherboard model. After you download the driver you must activate it in your
motherboard BIOS. Usually, if the CIR is installed and the driver is successfully downloaded,
it will be activated in your BIOS automatically. Be sure to follow these steps in this order.