Trouble Shooting
Try this
General RF
loss of
There are many factors that can affect loss of RF signal; some-
times a small room can be more of a problem than a big room due
to reflections and absorption.
Ensure that you have at least 3 of the 4 LEDs lit on the RF level
Indicator, (rear of the unit) when you push the remote control. For
continued results, ensure there are 2 LEDs difference to any
“background” noise. Make sure there is a good line of sight be-
tween the transmitter and the receiver. People between the trans-
mitter and the receiver will act like sponges to the signal and can
absorb the signal. This can be seen when the equipment appears
to work at rehearsal and the room is empty, but problems can
occur when the room is full.
As we do not operate on or near 2.4 GHz—Bluetooth & WIFI, we
are not usually interfered with by these frequencies.
General RF
Ensure the MicroCue2 aerial is vertically orientated.
Position the MicroCue2 aerial within line-of-sight of the handsets,
without large metallic objects in between as much as possible. The
aerial can also be placed remote from the main unit using a 50
ohm BNC-BNC coaxial extension cable if required (max cable
length: 4m). Lift the unit up to get some height.
Avoid electrical/electronic interference by positioning the Micro-
Cue2 main unit away from equipment as much as possible.
If this is consistent in the same room, we would recommend look-
ing at the MasterCue V6 system which has other features includ-
ing a remote RF receiver and back-up wired buttons