120-00011 Rev. New
PLUS User Manual
Section 7 - Calibration
Periodic calibration of the Halimeter
PLUS is required to compensate for decreased
sensor sensitivity and maintain accuracy of readings. The frequency of calibration is a
function of instrument use and the concentrations of volatile sulfur compounds (VSC) to
which the sensor is exposed. As such, no exact schedule of calibration can be
recommended but a good rule of thumb is to calibrate at least once per year with regular
Lower than normal readings often are an indication that the instrument is in need of
A “normal” Halimeter
PLUS reading is defined as a reading measured with a
subject who does not present with an apparent bad breath problem. After extensive testing,
INTERSCAN CORP has determined this to be a within a range of 80 to 120 ppb (see
section 4). As you use the instrument, take note of where normal patient readings tend to
fall. If you notice the baseline values are tending to decrease over time, calibration may be
The most convenient method of calibration in the field is to present known “NORMAL
BREATH” sample as the calibration standard. To facilitate this, a BREATH CALIBRATION
mode is provided in the SETUP menu. This procedure is detailed in the following section.
The procedure that follows details how to accomplish calibration of the Halimeter
using the BREATH CALIBRATION MODE. As noted above, a NORMAL BREATH subject
should be used to provide the sample standard for this calibration. The sample technique
detailed in section 4.2 should be followed in the same manner as with normal sampling. In
particular, the subject should keep his/her mouth closed up until the point where sample is