navigation system for motorcycles
navigation system for motorcycles
Show detailed information on the coordinates of your current position, the number of
satellites the device is connected to, your cruising speed, your current altitude and the
compass showing your direction on the screen.
This button allows you to import or export files such as favourites or itineraries.
Customise how NDrive displays, navigates and uses the GPS and more.
For further details consult that section of the manual.
Use this command to exit the NDrive application.
2. Bluetooth
Pressing the Bluetooth key accesses the general Bluetooth functions screen, select the check mark and press
the search key
GPSBIKE will start searching for all bluetooth headsets in the vicinity.
Select which intercom you wish to pair from the list (using the arrow keys) and press the key
Pairing with Interphone F5: once you've selected it, wait a few seconds for the red dot to disappear from the
connection sticker. A correct connection is indicated by a steady blue light on the F5 control module.
The blue light must be steady because in this mode, F5 can also have intercom functionality
Pairing with Interphone F4/F3/F2: once you've selected the device, insert the code "0000" (the number zero
four times), press the arrow in the upper right and wait for the red dot to disappear from the connection
symbol. Correct pairing is indicated by the blue light on the F4/F3/F2 control module which alternately flashes.
The blue light must flash alternately because in this mode F4 can also have intercom functionality.
ATTENTION: if you enter the "Device Pair" screen after connecting a device and then exit, this action cancels
the previously completed pairing.
To automatically reconnect after turning the devices off, remember to first turn on the
intercom and then the GPSBIKE navigator.
GPSBIKE has an audio connection that is given priority so the Bluetooth connection with Interphone control
modules is always active. This will allow you to only have the directions as audio input.
To activate intercom communication, just press the MFB button (either driver or passenger) and GPSBIKE will
disconnect from the GPSBIKE and the control modules will connect with each other.
Once intercom communication is stopped, the GPSBIKE will automatically reconnect to the driver's control